Monthly Archives: March 2020

Let’s Make a Movie!

Before I get to the big news – let me first say I hope you are all healthy, and that you stay that way. These are strange days indeed. Please be safe and stick together (from six feet away!).

Now – on to the program…

By now you’ve most likely heard about my fund raiser

Plot twist!

As you know, the original idea was to raise enough money to make a ten-minute video trailer and pitch it to networks as a possible TV series. Upon further consideration we (Team Meg) have decided to make a movie!

Let’s face it…the video trailer pitch may have been a cool idea, but it was probably a long shot at best. Even though I thought it was my only shot, I was willing to take the risk. However, our director* had an idea for a different approach. Rather than spend $20,000 – $25,000 on a ten minute video he proposed it would make more sense to spend $100,000 on a full length independent movie.

*actual director is NOT Steven Spielberg!

To be honest, I was pretty easy to convince.

I see you have questions…

Obviously first – Yes – I will have to find more money, but I believe that people will be much more inclined to donate money if it means they will be involved in an actual movie as opposed to a short video. I will also be applying for some grants to help out.

Also Yes – the incentives for donations will change – and for the better.

Yes – I will still use dollars originally pledged toward the video for the movie. Any changes in incentives will be passed on to those who have already pledged. And for those who have already pledged – you are free to withdraw your pledge if you don’t like the idea of switching gears like this.

No – it won’t be a Hollywood production which means (barring a small-to-medium sized miracle) Matthew McConaughey and Sandra Bullock still won’t be involved.

But that doesn’t mean it won’t be a quality production. Not only is there more than enough local talent to make a film, but Independent films have won awards at film festivals and, if I’m not mistaken, even been nominated for academy awards.

Yes – it’s still possible (even more probable) that Unfinished Business could be picked up for a series – it has been known to happen.

Yes – making a film is a much larger endeavor than making a video, but the entire team is excited about it (although I doubt they’re nearly as excited as I am!) so even though it’ll be a challenge we’re all looking forward to it!

Yes – true to the book, most of the filming will be done in Flagler Beach. Also true to the book – there is bound to be a cameo appearance by Ike!

I’ll be revising the fund raiser page accordingly – here is the link, please check it out. – and, once again, please share it!

That’s a wrap.

I’ll be posting updates as things happen. And once conditions of the world allow, I’ll make a video to introduce you to the team.

Stay tuned.


As always – thank you for reading




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I Demand a Lawyer!

I’ve been jailed on a bogus charge!

Facebook jail that is.

Everything was fine, I was posting, liking, commenting, etc – and then – out of the blue – I tried to like a post by a friend and I get a message from facebook telling me that I am forbidden from posting or commenting for 3 days because something I posted violated the community standards.

Said post being this picture…

There was no trial. I was not granted the right to defend myself, nor was I granted access to counsel.

A bit ironic, don’t you think?

I was jailed as though I were an enemy of the state for implying that America was turning into a police state.

Since the offending picture was posted months ago – I can only assume that some cry baby complained about it to the powers that be which is apparently all the evidence needed for a conviction here on the interweb…

Be that as it may – I need your help.

As you know I am in the middle of a fund-raising campaign to finance a trailer video for my book Unfinished Business. Facebook was a one of my biggest outlets for promoting said campaign. Now I am dead in the water.

I know it’s asking a lot, but believe me – I would do it for you…can you please share the link to this blog post on facebook? Tag me if you like – or not – if you don’t want to risk connecting yourself to a known radical. Reblog if it’s not too much.

I can’t afford to lose 3 days of campaigning!!


Don’t let my campaign die on the vine because somebody made a unilateral decision months after the fact to punish me for a post whose biggest offense was having a picture of a nazi.

The thought police are telling us what is good for us and what is unacceptable…I think we’re all big enough kids to make that decision for ourselves.


As always – thank you for reading


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Hey Brother, Can You Spare a Dime?

Have you ever wished you had gotten involved with something big while it was still small?

If so – this is your chance…

First – some background;

My novel Unfinished Business (released in June, 2013) has long been praised as the perfect story line for a TV series, and while I didn’t write it with that in mind – I’ve always known it.

Unfortunately, I’ve never had the time, resources or know-how to get it to that next level.

Until now.

I was recently asked by a friend, who works in the movie business, why none of my books have been made into movies yet.

The answer, I told her, is simple…in order for somebody to make a movie from a book – they first have to know the book exists. I went on to tell her about Unfinished Business and its potential as a great TV series. I explained that if I could only make a nice ten minute teaser trailer and send it to the networks it might do the trick.

It might be a long shot – but it’s a shot nonetheless.

About a week later she messaged me saying she had two film makers interested in the project – and would I want to meet them to discuss it?

Do I want to meet them? Is a bear catholic?

So I met with Stephanie (my friend), Graham and Kelly on Feb. 4, 2020 (pre-COVID).

Considering I was the only one at the table with a vested interest in this idea – the enthusiasm blew me away.

I was expecting to have to convince them to want to help me…instead, we leapt from “Nice to meet you.” to “Here’s what we’ve got in mind.”

We spent two hours throwing ideas around, talking about filming locations, where to find actors, and a bunch of other stuff that was all Greek to me.

It was awesome!

Meeting #2 was even better. A director had been added to the mix and we had a solid lead on the actress for the role of Meg – the main character in the book.

*Update – Dec. 11, 2020 :

We had to take a break because of the pandemic – but a few weeks ago Stephanie, Graham, Kelly and I met again to get things back in motion.

It may sound strange, but the COVID break may have actually helped us.

The cast and crew are growing daily and the project goal is to now film the series independently. For more information follow us on Facebook… 

Now comes the fun part – and the purpose for this post.

It’s time to talk about money.

In order to make a quality TV series we will need a few things. Things like a lawyer, insurance, equipment, permits (where applicable), transportation, food, props, – and then there are the cast and crew – lots of them.

All of these things cost money.

So we’re asking for help.

I’ve started a Go Fund Me campaign to raise the do-re-mi needed to take Unfinished Business to the next level.

You can see the campaign here

There are three ways you can help…

First (obviously) is to make a donation. No amount is too small and every dollar helps (pardon the clichés).

Second  share this story far and wide. Post it on your social media sites and spread the word.

Third – if you know Matthew McConaughey and/or Sandra Bullock tell them I’ve got some roles for them.

I’m offering some pretty cool incentives on the campaign so please take a minute to check them out and see how you can be part of something small that may get pretty big!

As always – thank you for reading


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